Have you ever considered how you would contact your management team in the event of heavy snow or flooding? What would you do if your customer service team couldn’t get into your business premises due to a raging fire? A disaster on this scale would significantly affect your company’s ability to operate and could even result in you losing business. Figures show that between 40% and 60% of companies affected by a major disaster either never recovers or operates in a severely reduced capacity.

The simplest way to get peace of mind and be prepared against any major event is to set up our disaster recovery service. With this service in place, all of your calls will be safely diverted directly to us and your telephone lines will remain open with your customers receiving the same high level of service they always receive.
Our team of qualified call handlers will take detailed messages, put enquiries directly through to your team’s mobile phones, home numbers or even send you text messages or emails. We will happily handle any customer enquiries you want until you and your business is fully comfortable and ready to start taking inbound calls again. Your customers won’t notice any difference and your business will be able to continue to operate normally.
We can also provide dedicated emergency call handling and off-site switchboard facilities and our call handlers can make outbound calls to your clients and business partners to advise them of any temporary arrangements, if this is also required.
Our disaster recovery service is an effective and professional tool to reassure your customers and should give you peace of mind that your lines are always open. If you want to be sure that your customers will be looked after no matter what the weather or situation then you should seriously consider this service.